Thursday, April 23, 2009

Working hard or hardly working???

I'm in this personal fitness program at my highschool and I love it! You know the person at the gym that you hate because their having this awsome time working out while your counting down the minutes till you have to go? Yes, I'm afraid that is who I am...
I'm not this super manly girl who benches 120 or anything. Nope...much to small to do that. I can barely bench the bar! I'm also not this athletic girl who can run for hours on end either. (And by the way, whoever hates the people who love their workout, The ATHLETE is the person those gym lovers hate, The athlete hates the manly girl who benches 120 and so on and so forth...)
Anyway, my school has this personal fitness program. It's co-ed.
All the girls are stuck with these annoying guys who just sit around pretending to work out all of the time. I'm not even exaggerating a little bit. When the class does our twice weekly 14 minute run the guys can't even handle it and just end up walking or trying to trip each other or something.
And trust me, I'm not this super uptight person or anything. But this really bothers me. How come they're allowed to do practically nothing and still get an average mark? How come they can eat all the junkfood they want and still not look like shit? How come the girls can still feel self concious about themselves even though they work 100x harder than anyone of them?!?!
I don't understand how all of the girls can work so hard and only lose a few pounds, and the guys do nothing at all and still be considered athletes. There not! Just because they can runfast for like one minute, lift 150 two times, and do one chinup doesn't mean that their athletes at all.
For example, when we go to the gym (which is three times a week) they all stand there (excluding a couple of guys that actually try) and lift the heaviest wieght they can twice...put it down... and talk to their friends about what buff meat pies they all are. Do they think that it impresses the girls? Cause if they do they obvoiusly dont hear us making fun of them after class.
Is it all their testosterone that makes them like that? Is it their natural competitive instincts? Is it their need for acceptance from their other guy friends? Is it their ignorance?
Whatever it is... they act like idiots and for once in my life I wish that I wasn't in co-ed gym. I just wish they knew how much we made fun of them, or how stupid they look everyday........That would hopefully bring their ego's down a couple of notches.

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