Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to everyone that reads my blog, and everyone who just... enjoys halloween.

I hope that everyone has a magnificant halloween, but have a few warnings.

-Just because it's halloween doesn't mean you have the immunity to eat as much candy as you would like too.
-Don't go out buying all the cheap candy at the stores in the next couple of days.
-Don't restrict your childs candy eating, they will eat to much, feel sick... and learn their lesson on their own.
-Remember the consiquences of having "just one more..."
-One chocolate always leads to two
-Brush your teeth!!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Impossible has happened!

Today hell officially froze over.

I brought my cousin (who makes up excuses not to excersise with me) jogging. I jogged 5 km, while he jogged about 4km. All together a great experiance. Although I did have to put up with the complaining, all I had to do was put my headphones in and drown him out.

Before we got to the trail we jogged we were passed by a parade of olympic athletes running with the olympic flame, and after we finished we were both in an incredibly good mood. I could practically pin point the time that the endorphins were released inside of my cousins head.

Such a good day for a jog <3

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tricky things that you would never think would depress you

1. Facebook - going on facebook everyday for a long time will eventually depress you. When you go on you look at other peoples photos and compare you life to theirs, and start feeling bad about your own. Want to stop? Cut down on facebook alot, maybe go on everyday for an hour at first, then cut down to everyother day etc.

2. Chocolate - I know what everyone is thinking, chocolate? now way! Yes it does make everyone feel better for a while, because of its ability to release endorphins in your brain, but after a while the suger runs out and you crash. Temporarily feeling better? not so worth it. Chocolates good for a treat every once in a while, but try to space out your chocolate sprees.

Those are my two interestingly random things that depress you. Please people, bring your health up, cut down on these things (and also the other obvious things that can be depressants)

Other depressants:
- Dwelling on things
- Alchohal
- Internet all together
- Being wieght scale obsessed
- Getting bad sleeps
- Eating too many fatty foods
- Eating no food
- Not staying hydrated