Happy Halloween to everyone that reads my blog, and everyone who just... enjoys halloween.
I hope that everyone has a magnificant halloween, but have a few warnings.
-Just because it's halloween doesn't mean you have the immunity to eat as much candy as you would like too.
-Don't go out buying all the cheap candy at the stores in the next couple of days.
-Don't restrict your childs candy eating, they will eat to much, feel sick... and learn their lesson on their own.
-Remember the consiquences of having "just one more..."
-One chocolate always leads to two
-Brush your teeth!!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Impossible has happened!
Today hell officially froze over.
I brought my cousin (who makes up excuses not to excersise with me) jogging. I jogged 5 km, while he jogged about 4km. All together a great experiance. Although I did have to put up with the complaining, all I had to do was put my headphones in and drown him out.
Before we got to the trail we jogged we were passed by a parade of olympic athletes running with the olympic flame, and after we finished we were both in an incredibly good mood. I could practically pin point the time that the endorphins were released inside of my cousins head.
Such a good day for a jog <3
I brought my cousin (who makes up excuses not to excersise with me) jogging. I jogged 5 km, while he jogged about 4km. All together a great experiance. Although I did have to put up with the complaining, all I had to do was put my headphones in and drown him out.
Before we got to the trail we jogged we were passed by a parade of olympic athletes running with the olympic flame, and after we finished we were both in an incredibly good mood. I could practically pin point the time that the endorphins were released inside of my cousins head.
Such a good day for a jog <3
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tricky things that you would never think would depress you
1. Facebook - going on facebook everyday for a long time will eventually depress you. When you go on you look at other peoples photos and compare you life to theirs, and start feeling bad about your own. Want to stop? Cut down on facebook alot, maybe go on everyday for an hour at first, then cut down to everyother day etc.
2. Chocolate - I know what everyone is thinking, chocolate? now way! Yes it does make everyone feel better for a while, because of its ability to release endorphins in your brain, but after a while the suger runs out and you crash. Temporarily feeling better? not so worth it. Chocolates good for a treat every once in a while, but try to space out your chocolate sprees.
Those are my two interestingly random things that depress you. Please people, bring your health up, cut down on these things (and also the other obvious things that can be depressants)
Other depressants:
- Dwelling on things
- Alchohal
- Internet all together
- Being wieght scale obsessed
- Getting bad sleeps
- Eating too many fatty foods
- Eating no food
- Not staying hydrated
2. Chocolate - I know what everyone is thinking, chocolate? now way! Yes it does make everyone feel better for a while, because of its ability to release endorphins in your brain, but after a while the suger runs out and you crash. Temporarily feeling better? not so worth it. Chocolates good for a treat every once in a while, but try to space out your chocolate sprees.
Those are my two interestingly random things that depress you. Please people, bring your health up, cut down on these things (and also the other obvious things that can be depressants)
Other depressants:
- Dwelling on things
- Alchohal
- Internet all together
- Being wieght scale obsessed
- Getting bad sleeps
- Eating too many fatty foods
- Eating no food
- Not staying hydrated
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Wii Console....So great for excersise!
I begged to get a wii for my birthday last year because it was the new thing. I also wanted it because you can have fun, and excersise too!
So my cousin who never excersises has a wii, well I think that tonight I had a breakthrough with him. I got him addicted to playing Wii Fit, a fitness game on the wii. Not only does this game have Strength excersises, Yoga, and Aerobics, it also has amazingly fun balance games to interest all ages.
He met his active requirements for the day, and had alot of fun doing it. I had to make him stop because it was getting late here. All in all I had a productive day, and hopefully converted my cousin to a healthier kind of video game :)
So my cousin who never excersises has a wii, well I think that tonight I had a breakthrough with him. I got him addicted to playing Wii Fit, a fitness game on the wii. Not only does this game have Strength excersises, Yoga, and Aerobics, it also has amazingly fun balance games to interest all ages.
He met his active requirements for the day, and had alot of fun doing it. I had to make him stop because it was getting late here. All in all I had a productive day, and hopefully converted my cousin to a healthier kind of video game :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
What does complaining do?
There are lots of people in my life that have low self-esteem because of their weight. For example I have a close friend who always talks about her body. It's the number one topic in all of her conversations, which means that it must be on her mind all of the time. So anyway, this friend of mine. She complains that she eats too much, and that she's fat etc. typical things you would here out of a girls mouth. So one time she asked me and another one of my friends to help her eat healthier, and as good friends we accepted and began suggesting her healthier options instead of what she was eating. We also told, and showed her how to eat slower (which she did not do at all) But the problem is she wouldn't listen, and she'd even try to make us seem like the bad people that were making her eat less of her high-fat diet. So she wouldn't even try, she just wanted us to try for her, do the work for her. And in the end she just made our friendship wierd and continued to complain about her body.
Another example could be my cousin. I live with him and he's slightly overwieght. He gets teased about his weight at his school (which btw, never do that to someone, it hurts) So anyway, I ask him to go for runs with me all of the time, and he often makes up excuses to get out of them. His biggest excuse is that he doesn't have his running shoes (which is good enough, b/c running shoes are essential) but I've been afterschool with him before and continuously reminded him to get his running shoes. He just ends up making another excuse and leaves. But whenever I go for walks with him all he does is complain about his body, which really annoys be because he could be spending that time and energy jogging or excersising in some way and improving his health.
So the entire point of this ranting blog? My friend and cousin are spending all of their time and energy complaining about thier body which could be used to change their body and attitude for the better. So everyone, if you know a complainer, tell them they complain, because they'll just continue doing it until a gap in your relationship forms.
Complaining does nothing.
Another example could be my cousin. I live with him and he's slightly overwieght. He gets teased about his weight at his school (which btw, never do that to someone, it hurts) So anyway, I ask him to go for runs with me all of the time, and he often makes up excuses to get out of them. His biggest excuse is that he doesn't have his running shoes (which is good enough, b/c running shoes are essential) but I've been afterschool with him before and continuously reminded him to get his running shoes. He just ends up making another excuse and leaves. But whenever I go for walks with him all he does is complain about his body, which really annoys be because he could be spending that time and energy jogging or excersising in some way and improving his health.
So the entire point of this ranting blog? My friend and cousin are spending all of their time and energy complaining about thier body which could be used to change their body and attitude for the better. So everyone, if you know a complainer, tell them they complain, because they'll just continue doing it until a gap in your relationship forms.
Complaining does nothing.
Money Getting You Down?
Is getting healthy one of your main problems in life right now? Do you find that the costly exercise classes/gym expenses are turning you off of getting fit?Well your problem can be easily solved throughout your own neighbourhood.
Yesterday while cooling down after a run I stumbled upon a beautiful trail full of outdoor exercise equipment. This trail is 1.1 km long, and has equipment at 6 stops throughout it. I was amazed... not only could I warm up and cool down here, I could do strength excersises as well! I had no idea about this place, and it turns out, it's closer to my home.....and free of charge.
So the point of this short little blog is. If you're funds are running low, but you still want/need to get healthy, go outside for a walk or jog. Enjoy the beautiful nature, the crisp air, and the fact that your wallet isn't being destroyed by the minute.
Yesterday while cooling down after a run I stumbled upon a beautiful trail full of outdoor exercise equipment. This trail is 1.1 km long, and has equipment at 6 stops throughout it. I was amazed... not only could I warm up and cool down here, I could do strength excersises as well! I had no idea about this place, and it turns out, it's closer to my home.....and free of charge.
So the point of this short little blog is. If you're funds are running low, but you still want/need to get healthy, go outside for a walk or jog. Enjoy the beautiful nature, the crisp air, and the fact that your wallet isn't being destroyed by the minute.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Lulu... not so lovely?
Do you frequently see people wear expensive workout clothing like Lulu Lemon?
Do you see these people not even working out while wearing these clothes?
I see Lulu Lemon clothes every day at least about ten times! Girls wear them all the time, apperently their the new gucci...
But I don't understand why people are so infatuated with Lulu lemon. I would easily understand it these people were wearing workout clothes if they were actually working out, but no... their wearing them as everyday clothing, thinking they look fashionable.
And I'm not just jelous and complaining because I'm just not cool enough to afford Lulu lemon, I have lulu lemon stuff. The only difference between me and the other girls is the fact that I actually workout in mine.
So I'm ultimately baffled about this lulu lemon craze. Why do girls just fall for these random "fashion" crazes? The only possible reason I would wear Lulu lemon clothes to school would be because their so ridiculously expensive that I couldn't afford any other clothing!!!!
In conclusion Lulu Lemon=Wonderful Workout Clothes.... but they should definately include on the tag, NOT FOR DAILY WEAR...but i guess if they put that on their clothing would never sell because I guarentee that almost everyone that wears Lulu lemon, doesn't work out...
Do you see these people not even working out while wearing these clothes?
I see Lulu Lemon clothes every day at least about ten times! Girls wear them all the time, apperently their the new gucci...
But I don't understand why people are so infatuated with Lulu lemon. I would easily understand it these people were wearing workout clothes if they were actually working out, but no... their wearing them as everyday clothing, thinking they look fashionable.
And I'm not just jelous and complaining because I'm just not cool enough to afford Lulu lemon, I have lulu lemon stuff. The only difference between me and the other girls is the fact that I actually workout in mine.
So I'm ultimately baffled about this lulu lemon craze. Why do girls just fall for these random "fashion" crazes? The only possible reason I would wear Lulu lemon clothes to school would be because their so ridiculously expensive that I couldn't afford any other clothing!!!!
In conclusion Lulu Lemon=Wonderful Workout Clothes.... but they should definately include on the tag, NOT FOR DAILY WEAR...but i guess if they put that on their clothing would never sell because I guarentee that almost everyone that wears Lulu lemon, doesn't work out...
Where has the time gone?
Hey there!
Just making a new post to inform anyone who actually reads this blog (probably no one?) or just myself that I am not dead.
Throughout the past couple of monthes my life has completely changed!
1. I quit my shitty job at Subway (yay!)
2. I moved across the province (:O)
3. I started my senior year at a highschool i've never been too.
and I managed to stay healthy the entire summer ! Yay! :)
Just making a new post to inform anyone who actually reads this blog (probably no one?) or just myself that I am not dead.
Throughout the past couple of monthes my life has completely changed!
1. I quit my shitty job at Subway (yay!)
2. I moved across the province (:O)
3. I started my senior year at a highschool i've never been too.
and I managed to stay healthy the entire summer ! Yay! :)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Air Conditioned
I'm sure that I have One or even two posts complaining about my job. If any of you haven't read any of those posts let me fill you in. I work at Subway, the place is poorly run, breaking down, and without air conditioning.
and I'm definitely not this princess who can't handle a little bit of heat... I mean, It is really, really hot in there. There are lots of toasters and long story short, I've gotten heat exhaustion a couple of times and my blood vessels always pop.
But hopefully, this is all going to change. Tomorrow we get our air conditioning fixed (yes!) and perhaps I will become a happy camper. After all this is a health blog, and how can I promote healthy living if I'm suffering every time I work??? I'm happy. Keep being healthy everyone!!!
and I'm definitely not this princess who can't handle a little bit of heat... I mean, It is really, really hot in there. There are lots of toasters and long story short, I've gotten heat exhaustion a couple of times and my blood vessels always pop.
But hopefully, this is all going to change. Tomorrow we get our air conditioning fixed (yes!) and perhaps I will become a happy camper. After all this is a health blog, and how can I promote healthy living if I'm suffering every time I work??? I'm happy. Keep being healthy everyone!!!
And what an ending it was...

Sometimes, when good things end, they go out with a bang. Well, I haven't blogged in a long time, but that's because my personal fitness class came to an end. For the end of our class we hiked Mount Robson.
I kept journals of the entire trip (which I've decided wouldn't be that interesting because their sooooo long) so I will summerize it. Our trip began on June 19, 2009, and ended on June 22, 2009. Mount Robson is the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies.
Day One
We pretty much just drove to the base of the mountain to camp for the night.
Day Two
11 Km hiked today
Today it rained, there were lots of up and down hills. Other than the rain, mosquitoes, and uphills, it was fantastic! We all hiked out to a near by waterfall after getting our tents set up and got so close to it that we were sprayed by it. Very cold, but also, very cool!
Day Three
I kept journals of the entire trip (which I've decided wouldn't be that interesting because their sooooo long) so I will summerize it. Our trip began on June 19, 2009, and ended on June 22, 2009. Mount Robson is the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies.
Day One
We pretty much just drove to the base of the mountain to camp for the night.
Day Two
11 Km hiked today
Today it rained, there were lots of up and down hills. Other than the rain, mosquitoes, and uphills, it was fantastic! We all hiked out to a near by waterfall after getting our tents set up and got so close to it that we were sprayed by it. Very cold, but also, very cool!
Day Three
12 Km hiked today, 4 of that are straight uphill
plus 6 Km hiked towards the glacier
Today was very sunny and unexpectedly warm. It was nice. Today was by far the hardest day (hopefully) we hiked uphill in record time, and it was very hard. We went to another waterfall and got right underneath it. It was also amazing. After that my friend and I went to the BC and Alberta border and took pictures. We all went to go see a glacier upclose and even managed to go inside of one and take lots of picture. Sore, smelly and tired today, but all is well.
Day Four
plus 6 Km hiked towards the glacier
Today was very sunny and unexpectedly warm. It was nice. Today was by far the hardest day (hopefully) we hiked uphill in record time, and it was very hard. We went to another waterfall and got right underneath it. It was also amazing. After that my friend and I went to the BC and Alberta border and took pictures. We all went to go see a glacier upclose and even managed to go inside of one and take lots of picture. Sore, smelly and tired today, but all is well.
Day Four
23 Km hiked today
Today was cloudy, but not rainy. I practically ran down the mountain with my friend and we were at the bottom in record time. I'm tired and hungry for some decent food.
So all in all although I was very sad about my personal fitness class ending, I was very happy and confident, that it went out with a bang!
Today was cloudy, but not rainy. I practically ran down the mountain with my friend and we were at the bottom in record time. I'm tired and hungry for some decent food.
So all in all although I was very sad about my personal fitness class ending, I was very happy and confident, that it went out with a bang!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Why do all good things come to an end??
Wow! I cannot believe that it is almost summer!!!!
But the unfortunate part about summer is that my personal fitness class is officially going to end. I've achieved alot in that class for sure... I have around 99%..... but it's ending and now I'm sad. Good news though!!! I can peer tutor that class next year!
But the unfortunate part about summer is that my personal fitness class is officially going to end. I've achieved alot in that class for sure... I have around 99%..... but it's ending and now I'm sad. Good news though!!! I can peer tutor that class next year!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hiking.....is it really all that bad?

I'm a hiker. Right now I currently have a mountain and a rainforest under my belt.
And yes, I realize that that doesn't seem like much but it is if your not even twenty and don't currently live by a rainforest.
So when you think of hiking you often think of something that is hard, and boring. Wrong-O my friend. Alright...I'll tell you the secret of enjoying hiking *Pssssst* It's the same as walking...but with a back pack on...
Suddenly it doesn't seem that bad right? In about 3 weeks I'm going to have another mountain under my belt. I'm going to hike mount robson with my personal fitness class. Hiking is really really fun and a great way to check out the scenery and stay in shape. You don't even have to hike a big mountain or anything either. I guarentee that wherever you live there is a sort of hiking trail in a park or something. You've most likely walked past that trail a few times and have never gone down it.
Try something new... Bring your dog, family, or even just your self for a hike and take in the nature. The outdoors with relax you and keep you calm. Be sure to bring a back pack with water and a snack.
In conclusion...Hiking....is it really all that bad??? This writers Opinion? No:)
And yes, I realize that that doesn't seem like much but it is if your not even twenty and don't currently live by a rainforest.
So when you think of hiking you often think of something that is hard, and boring. Wrong-O my friend. Alright...I'll tell you the secret of enjoying hiking *Pssssst* It's the same as walking...but with a back pack on...
Suddenly it doesn't seem that bad right? In about 3 weeks I'm going to have another mountain under my belt. I'm going to hike mount robson with my personal fitness class. Hiking is really really fun and a great way to check out the scenery and stay in shape. You don't even have to hike a big mountain or anything either. I guarentee that wherever you live there is a sort of hiking trail in a park or something. You've most likely walked past that trail a few times and have never gone down it.
Try something new... Bring your dog, family, or even just your self for a hike and take in the nature. The outdoors with relax you and keep you calm. Be sure to bring a back pack with water and a snack.
In conclusion...Hiking....is it really all that bad??? This writers Opinion? No:)
Friday, May 29, 2009
My New Passion!!!
So I definately haven't posted in a long time. But I've been too busy loving my new passion. So wanna hear it? Okay...Here it is.
Running. *pause for gasps*
Alright...maybe some of you aren't so shocked. But that's just because you don't really know me. So let me start with this. "Hi...I'm Jill...and I hate running!"
What got me so into running now? Well It all happened by accident. My gym partner was away one day so I decided to do some Cardio. She usually hits the treadmill while I use the elliptical, it's all very routene. But this day for some reason I was like....you know what? I'm going to try something different.
So I ran for ten minutes, piece of cake.....so I made the time go up to twenty.
Next thing you know...I'm running for 45 minutes without stopping and I really really enjoyed it. Now I'm vowing to try new/hard or old things at the gym. Who knows. Maybe I'll like it!!!!
I recommend to everyone who hits the gym to try something new today, tomorrow or the next day. I also recommend to everyone who DOESN'T hit the gym to try it out....You just might like it.
Running. *pause for gasps*
Alright...maybe some of you aren't so shocked. But that's just because you don't really know me. So let me start with this. "Hi...I'm Jill...and I hate running!"
What got me so into running now? Well It all happened by accident. My gym partner was away one day so I decided to do some Cardio. She usually hits the treadmill while I use the elliptical, it's all very routene. But this day for some reason I was like....you know what? I'm going to try something different.
So I ran for ten minutes, piece of cake.....so I made the time go up to twenty.
Next thing you know...I'm running for 45 minutes without stopping and I really really enjoyed it. Now I'm vowing to try new/hard or old things at the gym. Who knows. Maybe I'll like it!!!!
I recommend to everyone who hits the gym to try something new today, tomorrow or the next day. I also recommend to everyone who DOESN'T hit the gym to try it out....You just might like it.
Friday, May 8, 2009
What it all comes down to
Have you ever just really wanted to tone a certain part of your body? Do you do tons of ab workouts and nothing really happens? Well believe it or not, this happens to every body.
Now you want to know, what is the problem here? Is it my body? Am I not working hard enough? Well, what is all comes down to is that you have to workout your entire body to get the results that you want. A little belly fat will not be tamed by a bunch of ab exercises, it might seem to improve a little but you wont get the results you were looking for.
My advice? When you go to the gym workout your entire body and especially your core. You core is pretty much the middle of your body, your pecks, your abs, etc. Core strengthening is very good to do because (obviously) your core is most of the strength on your body. Cardio is also one of the top things to do. Cardio exercises are the best for working your entire body, and eventually, working your entire body, you will get the results you want and deserve.
Now you want to know, what is the problem here? Is it my body? Am I not working hard enough? Well, what is all comes down to is that you have to workout your entire body to get the results that you want. A little belly fat will not be tamed by a bunch of ab exercises, it might seem to improve a little but you wont get the results you were looking for.
My advice? When you go to the gym workout your entire body and especially your core. You core is pretty much the middle of your body, your pecks, your abs, etc. Core strengthening is very good to do because (obviously) your core is most of the strength on your body. Cardio is also one of the top things to do. Cardio exercises are the best for working your entire body, and eventually, working your entire body, you will get the results you want and deserve.
strong core,
what it all comes down too,
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Re-usable Water Bottles

Are you a person that goes to the gym regularly? Even if you arent, then I hope that you consider the following:
Have you ever finished working out at the gym ....um, let say.... on the treadmill? Well if you have you probably have done this:
ºCooled Down
ºWiped your face with a towel
ºDissinfect your machine with sanatary wipes
ºTaken a drink from your Dasani and quickly recycle
ºGone home or went to work out on something else
Which one should you have not done? Give up?
Take a look at option 4, the taken a drink from your Dasani and quickly recycle. I'm not saying don't recycle, I'm all about recycling... But I'm saying that you shouldn't have that plastic water bottle with you. Did you know that even if you recycle that it will take forever to break down? Think about that the next time you buy a coke, water, or even a juice.
How to prevent this? I would recomment getting re-usable water bottles. But those could cause harm also. Don't get plastic ones because when they heat up in hot dish water or the dish washer, they release harmful chemicals into your body. Get a metal water bottle. There reliable, and also instyle right now.
Have you ever finished working out at the gym ....um, let say.... on the treadmill? Well if you have you probably have done this:
ºCooled Down
ºWiped your face with a towel
ºDissinfect your machine with sanatary wipes
ºTaken a drink from your Dasani and quickly recycle
ºGone home or went to work out on something else
Which one should you have not done? Give up?
Take a look at option 4, the taken a drink from your Dasani and quickly recycle. I'm not saying don't recycle, I'm all about recycling... But I'm saying that you shouldn't have that plastic water bottle with you. Did you know that even if you recycle that it will take forever to break down? Think about that the next time you buy a coke, water, or even a juice.
How to prevent this? I would recomment getting re-usable water bottles. But those could cause harm also. Don't get plastic ones because when they heat up in hot dish water or the dish washer, they release harmful chemicals into your body. Get a metal water bottle. There reliable, and also instyle right now.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Cravings are the worst for people who are trying to lose wieght! I too have to deal with cravings every single day!!!!! So how could you properly deal with them???
Well, it's scientifically proven that cravings only last 15 minutes (that fast? it seems like forever!!!) So the next time you feel the need for some pizza, chocolate, whatever... set your watch for 15 minutes. It should pass, but if it doesn't than your probably hungry. So think to yourself :will I feel full after this? what have I done today that is active? Is it really worth it? What have I had today that was healthy? If you can't think of a reason why not... have a little, but limit yourself.
Another way to stop cravings or make yourself full (this tip was given to me by my friend)
Have a table spoon of peanut butter, and a glass of milk. This will fill you up, I guarentee it!
Well, it's scientifically proven that cravings only last 15 minutes (that fast? it seems like forever!!!) So the next time you feel the need for some pizza, chocolate, whatever... set your watch for 15 minutes. It should pass, but if it doesn't than your probably hungry. So think to yourself :will I feel full after this? what have I done today that is active? Is it really worth it? What have I had today that was healthy? If you can't think of a reason why not... have a little, but limit yourself.
Another way to stop cravings or make yourself full (this tip was given to me by my friend)
Have a table spoon of peanut butter, and a glass of milk. This will fill you up, I guarentee it!
Sweating at Subway

So I currently work at a subway restaurant in my town and man, it sort of sucks. Not only do I get jerked around most of the time, but they also have no air conditioning. But to top that all off is that they have these massive windows everywhere that let all the sun in....
So I'm stuck in this airconditionless restaurant, with people coming in, and the first thing they say is...."Wow, it's hot in here"
Now this really pisses me off! What am I going to say other than... "yeah.. I know"....Seriously, the next time someone says that to me I'm going to kill them. Every time someone says it (which is whenever they enter the freeking store!) I want to be like: "Hot in here? hmmm, nope, I haven't noticed... I'm just standing beside a hot oven in a restaurant that feels like a sauna but, nope, haven't noticed at all!" or "Yes... it is hot in here, welcome to hell...what could I get for you today?" or maybe even "Hmmm....yes it is...I've never thought about doing something about that... maybe that would help my light-headedness, perma sweating, and second degree burns!"
How do people not realize that I fricken know that it is hot in there... I stand by two ovens. They have it alot better.
I know this has nothing to do with health... but it could. Subway restaurants are a much better choice to eat at than other fast food franchizes. But don't be fooled... just because your at a "healthy" restaurant, doesn't mean you should get: Footlongs, extra cheese, and extra bacon. And the sides (two cookies, apple pies, pop and chips) aren't good for you either. Lots of people go to Subway and get extra's of everything but still think that it is healthy just because they get a sandwhich instead of a burger.
If your really going to order 1000 calories of something and you enjoy burgers better than sandwhiches... get that. But I recommend subway, it's good, and if you limit yourself, it's good for you.
So I'm stuck in this airconditionless restaurant, with people coming in, and the first thing they say is...."Wow, it's hot in here"
Now this really pisses me off! What am I going to say other than... "yeah.. I know"....Seriously, the next time someone says that to me I'm going to kill them. Every time someone says it (which is whenever they enter the freeking store!) I want to be like: "Hot in here? hmmm, nope, I haven't noticed... I'm just standing beside a hot oven in a restaurant that feels like a sauna but, nope, haven't noticed at all!" or "Yes... it is hot in here, welcome to hell...what could I get for you today?" or maybe even "Hmmm....yes it is...I've never thought about doing something about that... maybe that would help my light-headedness, perma sweating, and second degree burns!"
How do people not realize that I fricken know that it is hot in there... I stand by two ovens. They have it alot better.
I know this has nothing to do with health... but it could. Subway restaurants are a much better choice to eat at than other fast food franchizes. But don't be fooled... just because your at a "healthy" restaurant, doesn't mean you should get: Footlongs, extra cheese, and extra bacon. And the sides (two cookies, apple pies, pop and chips) aren't good for you either. Lots of people go to Subway and get extra's of everything but still think that it is healthy just because they get a sandwhich instead of a burger.
If your really going to order 1000 calories of something and you enjoy burgers better than sandwhiches... get that. But I recommend subway, it's good, and if you limit yourself, it's good for you.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Billy Blanks Is Boss!

One of the best ways to workout is by videos. Some of my favorite workout videos include: Richard Simmons (You get a workout just laughing at this guy) any pilates videos, and Billy Blanks.
If your someone who has tried Billy Blanks, you know where I'm coming from!!! It's a great video workout because it's clear and easy to follow. Some of the moves are repetitive and soo fun. My favorite thing about the Billy Blanks videos is how he encourages you.
Seriously this guy seems sincere and like he isn't going to give up on you!! When I was doing 'Fat Blasting Cardio' last night I wanted to give up so many times (not that I'm out of shape, I'm just really sore from my personal fitness class) But he encouraged me so much not to give up and to pace myself, which definatly kept me going.
I like other workout videos like Richard Simmons, but It's just not the same. The problem with Richard is that his moves aren't repetitive, and he switches them so fast.. you barely get time to learn the move their doing before he switches. And then your left standing there... like an idiot... trying to keep up... wondering..... How come those fat people can keep up with him and I can't??
Anyway, I would definatly recommend some 'Sweatin To The Oldies' but if you want a really good workout... Definatly try some Billy Blanks...
Afterall Billy is Boss!!
If your someone who has tried Billy Blanks, you know where I'm coming from!!! It's a great video workout because it's clear and easy to follow. Some of the moves are repetitive and soo fun. My favorite thing about the Billy Blanks videos is how he encourages you.
Seriously this guy seems sincere and like he isn't going to give up on you!! When I was doing 'Fat Blasting Cardio' last night I wanted to give up so many times (not that I'm out of shape, I'm just really sore from my personal fitness class) But he encouraged me so much not to give up and to pace myself, which definatly kept me going.
I like other workout videos like Richard Simmons, but It's just not the same. The problem with Richard is that his moves aren't repetitive, and he switches them so fast.. you barely get time to learn the move their doing before he switches. And then your left standing there... like an idiot... trying to keep up... wondering..... How come those fat people can keep up with him and I can't??
Anyway, I would definatly recommend some 'Sweatin To The Oldies' but if you want a really good workout... Definatly try some Billy Blanks...
Afterall Billy is Boss!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Don't make fun of slow eaters

But actually slow eaters are usually healthier. Why?
They eat alot slower, become full faster and stop eating. They stop when their full and you don't even feel full at all right? So you eat more, and more, and more. After you eat all this food and fill yourself up do you feel like crap? This is because your brain has finally processed that your full (which was probably about 2 scoops of icecream before) and sent it to your body.
Then you usually become achy, gross feeling, grumpy, tired and bloated. Imagine if you ate slower like your annoying friend. Then this wouldn't have happened.
What you should do is to try and eat slower. An easy way to do this is if you take a couple of bites of something and have a sip of water (remember to have a sip and not a gulp because if you gulp the water you'll become bloated). Chew about 7-10 times and don't feel bad if your at someones house and can't finish it all.
If this happens whether it's at your friends house or a restaurant ask to get a doggy bag. Trust me, your friends wont be offended.
So don't make fun of slow eaters, it will come back to you on your hips, butt, and tummy.
Never go on the treadmill because you hate running?

Are you just not the running person? Do you avoid using the Treadmill because you just dont want to run?
Well I say, Give it another chance, but don't run....Walk!
ºGo on for about 20-30 mins (maybe 10 on your first time, don't over do it)
ºSet your speed at a good steady pace that will be easy or medium for your body.
ºPut your incline up high, anything over 10.0 will do you good.
ºWalk, put in your music...really get into it
When you have a higher incline, it seems easier than running, but you burn tons of calories. You might even burn the same amount that you would have running!!!
If you end up liking this, I suggest trying out a light jog at the end of your session, during the cool down.
To Do This You:
ºFinish your time on the treadmill and continue into cool down.
ºLower your incline completely
ºSet your speed to a nice jogging pace for about a minute
ºContinue to cool down
When you lower the incline completely you'll feel like your floating. It's a great feeling, I love to do this, running then is incredibly easy:)
If you still hate the treadmill, I suggest the elliptical machine:)
Well I say, Give it another chance, but don't run....Walk!
ºGo on for about 20-30 mins (maybe 10 on your first time, don't over do it)
ºSet your speed at a good steady pace that will be easy or medium for your body.
ºPut your incline up high, anything over 10.0 will do you good.
ºWalk, put in your music...really get into it
When you have a higher incline, it seems easier than running, but you burn tons of calories. You might even burn the same amount that you would have running!!!
If you end up liking this, I suggest trying out a light jog at the end of your session, during the cool down.
To Do This You:
ºFinish your time on the treadmill and continue into cool down.
ºLower your incline completely
ºSet your speed to a nice jogging pace for about a minute
ºContinue to cool down
When you lower the incline completely you'll feel like your floating. It's a great feeling, I love to do this, running then is incredibly easy:)
If you still hate the treadmill, I suggest the elliptical machine:)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Be Angry, Shed Calories
How you should feel when you go to the gym:
Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone and just wanted to sulk around? Well instead go to the gym, run on a treadmill, or use the elliptical. I find that when I'm angry and workout I push my self harder, end up talking out my anger on some poor treadmill and running for longer than I normally would have.
Another upside? When your excersising endorfins will be let out in your brain and you will become completely calm again. You'll end up going back to your house and feeling happy instead of angry and everything will be fine.
Ways to fake anger:
ºListen to rock/alternate/or heavy metal, this music is upbeat and will want to make you push yourself harder.
ºGo to the gym alone. When you do this you (hopefully) dont end up interacting with anyone which will let you get into your music.
You don't always have to be angry to go to the gym but you do get good results:)
Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone and just wanted to sulk around? Well instead go to the gym, run on a treadmill, or use the elliptical. I find that when I'm angry and workout I push my self harder, end up talking out my anger on some poor treadmill and running for longer than I normally would have.
Another upside? When your excersising endorfins will be let out in your brain and you will become completely calm again. You'll end up going back to your house and feeling happy instead of angry and everything will be fine.
Ways to fake anger:
ºListen to rock/alternate/or heavy metal, this music is upbeat and will want to make you push yourself harder.
ºGo to the gym alone. When you do this you (hopefully) dont end up interacting with anyone which will let you get into your music.
You don't always have to be angry to go to the gym but you do get good results:)
New Balance Shoes

Last year I wanted to become a better runner. So when my class had the 12 minute run I was stoked!!!! Unfortunatly after I ran it my my legs killed. Seriously it did!
Imagine this. Having your calf muscles permenatly flexed and sore at the same time! I could barely walk down my stairs! I couldn't imagine what would have done this...sure the 12 minute run makes you sore, but it doesn't usually leave you unable to walk. I tried to think of things that would have caused it... Out of shape? Maybe, but still I would have still felt a little better than this.
And then I thought to myself...wasn't I wearing my flat shoes that day? and my problem was solved. I was wearing my normal flat bottom shoes with no arch support. What I learned? Never to run in those things...sure they look nice, but looks can kill....your legs
So this year my mom begged me to get proper running shoes. After all, she had to listen to me complain the entire time I was injured. I wanted a low budget shoe, but one that had arch support. So when I was shopping for them with my boyfriend I just marched into sportcheck and picked the first one that seemed to fit nicely and look nice.
I ended up with green and white New Balance shoes that only cost about 75$!!!! I'm not advertising them or anything, I just wanted to write about how much I love them. Can't run without'em
Imagine this. Having your calf muscles permenatly flexed and sore at the same time! I could barely walk down my stairs! I couldn't imagine what would have done this...sure the 12 minute run makes you sore, but it doesn't usually leave you unable to walk. I tried to think of things that would have caused it... Out of shape? Maybe, but still I would have still felt a little better than this.
And then I thought to myself...wasn't I wearing my flat shoes that day? and my problem was solved. I was wearing my normal flat bottom shoes with no arch support. What I learned? Never to run in those things...sure they look nice, but looks can kill....your legs
So this year my mom begged me to get proper running shoes. After all, she had to listen to me complain the entire time I was injured. I wanted a low budget shoe, but one that had arch support. So when I was shopping for them with my boyfriend I just marched into sportcheck and picked the first one that seemed to fit nicely and look nice.
I ended up with green and white New Balance shoes that only cost about 75$!!!! I'm not advertising them or anything, I just wanted to write about how much I love them. Can't run without'em
Working hard or hardly working???

I'm in this personal fitness program at my highschool and I love it! You know the person at the gym that you hate because their having this awsome time working out while your counting down the minutes till you have to go? Yes, I'm afraid that is who I am...
I'm not this super manly girl who benches 120 or anything. Nope...much to small to do that. I can barely bench the bar! I'm also not this athletic girl who can run for hours on end either. (And by the way, whoever hates the people who love their workout, The ATHLETE is the person those gym lovers hate, The athlete hates the manly girl who benches 120 and so on and so forth...)
Anyway, my school has this personal fitness program. It's co-ed.
All the girls are stuck with these annoying guys who just sit around pretending to work out all of the time. I'm not even exaggerating a little bit. When the class does our twice weekly 14 minute run the guys can't even handle it and just end up walking or trying to trip each other or something.
And trust me, I'm not this super uptight person or anything. But this really bothers me. How come they're allowed to do practically nothing and still get an average mark? How come they can eat all the junkfood they want and still not look like shit? How come the girls can still feel self concious about themselves even though they work 100x harder than anyone of them?!?!
I don't understand how all of the girls can work so hard and only lose a few pounds, and the guys do nothing at all and still be considered athletes. There not! Just because they can runfast for like one minute, lift 150 two times, and do one chinup doesn't mean that their athletes at all.
For example, when we go to the gym (which is three times a week) they all stand there (excluding a couple of guys that actually try) and lift the heaviest wieght they can twice...put it down... and talk to their friends about what buff meat pies they all are. Do they think that it impresses the girls? Cause if they do they obvoiusly dont hear us making fun of them after class.
Is it all their testosterone that makes them like that? Is it their natural competitive instincts? Is it their need for acceptance from their other guy friends? Is it their ignorance?
Whatever it is... they act like idiots and for once in my life I wish that I wasn't in co-ed gym. I just wish they knew how much we made fun of them, or how stupid they look everyday........That would hopefully bring their ego's down a couple of notches.
I'm not this super manly girl who benches 120 or anything. Nope...much to small to do that. I can barely bench the bar! I'm also not this athletic girl who can run for hours on end either. (And by the way, whoever hates the people who love their workout, The ATHLETE is the person those gym lovers hate, The athlete hates the manly girl who benches 120 and so on and so forth...)
Anyway, my school has this personal fitness program. It's co-ed.
All the girls are stuck with these annoying guys who just sit around pretending to work out all of the time. I'm not even exaggerating a little bit. When the class does our twice weekly 14 minute run the guys can't even handle it and just end up walking or trying to trip each other or something.
And trust me, I'm not this super uptight person or anything. But this really bothers me. How come they're allowed to do practically nothing and still get an average mark? How come they can eat all the junkfood they want and still not look like shit? How come the girls can still feel self concious about themselves even though they work 100x harder than anyone of them?!?!
I don't understand how all of the girls can work so hard and only lose a few pounds, and the guys do nothing at all and still be considered athletes. There not! Just because they can runfast for like one minute, lift 150 two times, and do one chinup doesn't mean that their athletes at all.
For example, when we go to the gym (which is three times a week) they all stand there (excluding a couple of guys that actually try) and lift the heaviest wieght they can twice...put it down... and talk to their friends about what buff meat pies they all are. Do they think that it impresses the girls? Cause if they do they obvoiusly dont hear us making fun of them after class.
Is it all their testosterone that makes them like that? Is it their natural competitive instincts? Is it their need for acceptance from their other guy friends? Is it their ignorance?
Whatever it is... they act like idiots and for once in my life I wish that I wasn't in co-ed gym. I just wish they knew how much we made fun of them, or how stupid they look everyday........That would hopefully bring their ego's down a couple of notches.
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